It is time to start a new school year. Addie is in fifth grade now and Whit is in kindergarten. We had a "summer school" session this year, so we are starting the school year with a six week term already behind us. It is a relaxing feeling to know we will not have to rush. Addie will go to summer camp for the first week of August and then we will dive in.
The children don't like long breaks from homeschool. I have decided the breaks are more for me than for them. We took the month of July off and within a couple of weeks, they were asking when school was going to start. I guess we can all appreciate the rhythm of routine. The school supplies are out in stores, and although I recognize the shameless commercialism, I dearly love school supplies. New erasers, new notebooks, markers that actually work and crayons with the point still sharp. August is a very nice time of year.