Thursday, February 4, 2010

Addie's Owl

Here is a photo of the owl Addie painted on canvas. It is a large work of art and hangs in our living room.
I love the use of color and the different shapes she used!


Click here to view these pictures larger

Monday, February 1, 2010

Of Homemade Dolls and Creative Writing

One of my favorite books as a child was, Hitty, Her First Hundred Years, by Rachel Field. The book is an older one, but holding a Newberry medal has assured it a place in the hall of fame for children's literature.
I tried to interest my daughter in the book a couple of years ago, but it didn't seem to take. I think she read a chapter and then put the book down.
I was delighted when she became interested in reading it recently. I am constantly reminded that if we let children come to things in their own time, we will not be disappointed.
She read the book in a relaxed way - curling up with it at night and biting off a chapter or two at a time. She finished the book yesterday. I don't know when I have ever seen this much of a reaction about a book! She loved the story. She is calling it an all time favorite, which is interesting for a child who has devoured Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, etc. (A fantasy child)
Today she pulled out instructions for making a historical doll (from our trip to Williamsburg) and worked all morning on sewing a doll and dress. She has named the doll, Rachel, after Rachel Field. She has also started a story from Rachel's perspective, trying her hand at writing in the style of Hitty. We had our "Monday meeting" this morning and planned some activities for the week - all based around the book. She is very excited and spent most of the afternoon plotting out her story and getting ideas down on paper. I was a little surprised at her level of excitement for Hitty. She is now asking about Heidi and other stories that I loved from my own childhood. Three cheers for Hitty!