Monday, February 1, 2010

Of Homemade Dolls and Creative Writing

One of my favorite books as a child was, Hitty, Her First Hundred Years, by Rachel Field. The book is an older one, but holding a Newberry medal has assured it a place in the hall of fame for children's literature.
I tried to interest my daughter in the book a couple of years ago, but it didn't seem to take. I think she read a chapter and then put the book down.
I was delighted when she became interested in reading it recently. I am constantly reminded that if we let children come to things in their own time, we will not be disappointed.
She read the book in a relaxed way - curling up with it at night and biting off a chapter or two at a time. She finished the book yesterday. I don't know when I have ever seen this much of a reaction about a book! She loved the story. She is calling it an all time favorite, which is interesting for a child who has devoured Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, etc. (A fantasy child)
Today she pulled out instructions for making a historical doll (from our trip to Williamsburg) and worked all morning on sewing a doll and dress. She has named the doll, Rachel, after Rachel Field. She has also started a story from Rachel's perspective, trying her hand at writing in the style of Hitty. We had our "Monday meeting" this morning and planned some activities for the week - all based around the book. She is very excited and spent most of the afternoon plotting out her story and getting ideas down on paper. I was a little surprised at her level of excitement for Hitty. She is now asking about Heidi and other stories that I loved from my own childhood. Three cheers for Hitty!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Of Lizards and a Wish for Spring

My children went outside today to enjoy the sunshine. It has been unseasonably cold for S.C. this winter. The sunshine on the balcony was bright and warm, even though they are calling for sleet tomorrow.
As I was in the kitchen tidying up from lunch, I heard my youngest start to shout, "Mom! The first one! Quick Mom, it's the first one!" I hurried to the back door to see what first one we were referring to. There was my six year old son pointing to two little lizards on the brick wall. "The first lizards of spring, Mom, they are here!"
The excitement of both of children was infectious. Indeed, the first lizards of spring are here! Dare I hope they brought warmer weather?
So, with no offense meant to the groundhog, I think the lizards have beat them to it!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Adventures in Science

After focusing on history last semester, we are delving into science with a passion.
Last week the children used marshmallows, a styrofoam base, and fettuccini noodles to build structures. Then they made a hypothesis about what type of "quake" it could withstand. They measured the space on the mat, gave the base 6, 3 cm quakes (shakes) and recorded results. They loved the whole experience. It was actually in my 5th graders lesson plan, buy my six year old was right there too. They built several styles of buildings, had multiple quakes, and recorded the data.
My 5th grader read about earthquakes in her book prior to doing the experiments.
Sadly, the Haiti quake occurred just days later. The quake experiment helped my children to have a grasp on what an earthquake is and how it effects people.

This week we simulated an oil spill in a pan of water. The children then used different items to clean the water to see what was most effective. They tried a medicine dropper, paper towels, cotton balls, a spoon, and dish washing detergent. We also read books and looked at photos of oil spills. My 5 year old nephew was visiting that day, so even he got in on the action. The oil spill experiment sparked lots of discussion about how oil spills could effect wildlife and how hard it could be to clean up the environment again.

Yesterday my oldest dissected a crawfish with a friend. Our semester of science is up and running.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Around the World (and at our house)

Here is my first attempt to post shutterfly pics to this blog. Here are some photos of the children as they worked on our "Christmas Around the World" unit in December.

Christmas 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

In Praise of Oak Meadow

We started using the Oak Meadow homeschool curriculum this year with my youngest. I have been homeschooling for quite awhile now, but have always put together our own curriculum. I have never ordered a "boxed" set before. I thought that boxed curriculums were textbook-esque and smacked too much of traditional education to fit us. I also wanted to stay with a Waldorf approach for my son. Oak Meadow started out as a Waldorf school, so it is very much in line with what I was looking for. I also was looking for a way to make better use of my time. With a 5th grader, it is sometimes hard to pull together two customized plans for the children and still have time to work part time, play with the kids, have time for my husband, keep gluten free meals coming and be able to walk through the house. (You get the picture.) I took a deep breath and took the plunge with a "boxed set". We ordered Oak Meadow first grade, and I couldn't be happier with it. The approach and pace is perfect for my family. The lessons incorporate real, living books, lots of arts and crafts, and the curriculum is heavily nature oriented. It has helped me so much to get the educational plans I have for my son in place, but still have time to do the other things that I need to do. Next year, I am planning on switching my daughter to Oak Meadow curriculum. She will be in the 6th grade, and the reviews I could find for the curriculum sound great. My advice to the DIY crew out there, is don't be afraid to try something different. There is so much to be said for putting things together yourself, but also great not to spend your time reinventing the wheel.